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Magento 2 Purchase Management Extension

User Guide (Manual) for Purchase Management Extension

Features of Purchase Management

  • Create Purchase Order from Sales: Create a Purchase Order by selecting a Sales Order along with all its products.
  • Compare the Supplier Price: Compare prices from different suppliers to select the most cost-effective option.
  • Create Purchase Order Based on Lowest Price: Automatically generate a purchase order from the supplier offering the lowest price.
  • Update Stock Automatically: Stock levels are updated automatically after the purchase order is processed.
  • Return a Product if Necessary: Easily return products when needed, with a streamlined process.
  • Update Shortfall Items and Inform Supplier: Notify your supplier about shortfall items and update them accordingly.
  • Email Notification to Admin and Supplier: Receive automated email notifications for both admin and supplier during the purchase process.
  • Send Purchase Order as PDF: Send the purchase order to your supplier in a PDF format for convenience.
  • Automatic Costing if Necessary: Calculate and apply automatic costing if required, ensuring accurate pricing.


  • Step 1.

    Before starting the installation:

    • Ensure your Magento version is compatible - Please check the current compatible versions on its product page.
    • Install the extension on a testing/development/staging environment first, then, after thoroughly testing it out, install it on a production (live) environment.
    • Make sure the Magento instance is in developer mode. You can use the php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer command to change the mode to developer and then check to make sure the generated folder in the root of the Magento project is empty.
  • Step 2.
    Copy the extension files to below paths of your magento 2 instance. If ‘app/code/Acx’ folder is missing, please create it manually:
  • Step 3.
    Access the root of your magento 2 project from command line and run the following commands:
    composer require mpdf/mpdf php bin/magento module:enable Acx_Backend Acx_Purchase Acx_PurchasePro Acx_Pdf Acx_PdfPurchase Acx_Supplier
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    rm -rf var/di generated/*
    php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    rm -rf pub/static/*/*; rm -rf var/*/*;
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    php bin/magento cache:flush
  • Step 4.
    Flush any cache that you might still have enabled on your server or in Magento.
  • Step 5:
    If your store was in production mode before starting the installation, make sure to switch it back to production mode by running the following command in the root of your Magento installation: php bin/magento deploy:mode:set production.
  • Step 6:
    The extension is now installed on your Magento store! Congratulations!


Go to AgileCodex > Purchase Settings> Configuration.

General Settings

  • Enable: Enable or disable the Purchase management.


Purchase Order List

Access the Purchase Order List by navigating to Agile Codex >> Purchase Management >> click on Purchase Orders in the admin sidebar.

The Purchase Order List allows you to manage purchase orders efficiently from the backend. Here's an overview of the functionality:

Magento 2 Purchase Order Details

Purchase Order list displays the following columns:

  1. Supplier Name: The name of the supplier from whom the products are being purchased.
  2. Purchase Order Number: A unique identifier for the purchase order.
  3. Order Date: The date when the purchase order was created.
  4. Status: Shows the current status of the purchase order, such as "Pending," "Completed," or "Canceled."
  5. Total Quantity: Displays the total number of items ordered from the supplier.
  6. Total Cost: The total amount to be paid to the supplier for the order.
  7. Action: Options to view, edit, or delete the purchase order.

Purchase Order Form

The Purchase Order form allows administrators to create and manage purchase orders for suppliers. Below is a detailed description of the form fields and their functionalities based on the provided images:

Access the Purchase Order form by navigating to Agile Codex >> Purchase Management click on >> Purchase Orders, then finally click on Create Purchase Order to open Purchase Order form.

Purchase Order General Information
  • Supplier Name: The supplier from whom the products are being ordered.
  • Order Date: The date when the purchase order was created.
  • Send Email to Supplier on Confirmation: If checked, an automatic email with purchase order pdf attachment will be sent to the supplier.
  • Sales Id: Automatically, it will be generated from the Sales Order Increment ID when saving this PO after adding products from a Sales order!
  • Currency: The currency in which the purchase order is being processed.
  • Currency Exchange Rate: If supplier price is in different currency, its cost will be re-calculated based on the exchange rate.
  • Comments: Any additional notes or comments added to the purchase order.
Supplier Product for Purchase Order

Selected Product List for a new Purchase Order with the following columns:

  1. Supplier Name: The name of the supplier providing the products for the purchase order.
  2. Supplier SKU: The supplier's stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product being ordered.
  3. Product Name: The name of the product as recognized by your inventory system.
  4. Order Quantity: The quantity of the product you wish to order from the supplier.
  5. Cost per Unit: The price of each unit of the product from the supplier.
  6. Total Cost: The total cost for the quantity of this product in the order (calculated by multiplying order quantity and cost per unit).
  7. Action: Options to modify the quantity or remove the product from the purchase order.
Supplier Product for Purchase Order

Shipping and Payment information for a new Purchase Order:

  1. Shipping Method: Select the shipping method that will be used to deliver the products from the supplier.
  2. Shipping Cost: Enter the cost of shipping for the purchase order.
  3. Estimated Delivery Date: Specify the expected date when the shipment will arrive from the supplier.
  4. Shipping Label: You can upload a shipping label and send as an email attachment.
  5. Shipping Address: Choose the address where the order will be shipped to.
  6. Handling Cost: Enter its handling cost if necessary.
  7. Additional Duties/strong>: Enter the Additional Duties fee if necessary.
Receiving Product for Purchase Order

When you receive products from supplier to your store, you can use its form by clicking on "Receive Items" button. A popup list will be opened to receive products with following fields:

  1. Product Name: The name of the product being ordered.
  2. Product SKU: The stock keeping unit (SKU) for the product, used to track it in inventory.
  3. Order Quantity: The quantity of the product being ordered from the supplier.
  4. Received Quantity: The number of items that have been received from the supplier.
  5. Pending Quantity: The number of items yet to be received, calculated by subtracting the received quantity from the order quantity.
  6. Cost per Unit: The price per unit of the product as agreed with the supplier.
  7. Total Cost: The total cost for the order quantity of this product, calculated by multiplying the order quantity by the cost per unit.
  8. Action: Allows you to modify the received quantity or take actions such as marking items as received.
Invoice for Purchase Order

When you can create multiple invoices by clicking on "Receive Items" button to pay the purchase amount:

  1. Product Name: The name of the product selected for the purchase order.
  2. SKU: The Stock Keeping Unit identifier for the product.
  3. Quantity: The number of units of the product to be ordered.
  4. Unit Price: The price per unit of the product.
  5. Total Price: The total cost for the quantity ordered (calculated as Quantity x Unit Price).
  6. Subtotal: The subtotal amount for all selected products before taxes and shipping.
  7. Discount: Any discount applied to the total order value.
  8. Grand Total: The final total amount including any discounts, taxes, and shipping costs.


For further assistance, please send your query through the Contact AgileCodex Support page.

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