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Shop by Brand Extension for Magento 2

Shop by Brand Extension for Magento 2

Boost Brand Trust and Customer Loyalty with Magento 2 Shop by Brand Extension

  • All Brands Page: Browse all available brands in one convenient location.
  • Individual Brand Pages: Display detailed brand information and related products on dedicated pages.
  • SEO Optimization: Maximize branded SEO traffic with landing pages for each brand.
  • Featured Brands: Seamlessly introduce new brands using the Featured Brands section.
  • Customizable Brand Pages: Add banners and descriptions to engage and attract customers.
  • Layered Navigation Integration: Works seamlessly with Layered Navigation by AgileCodex.
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Compatible with: Magento CE 2.3.x, 2.4.x, 2.4.7

Boost Brand Trust

Enhance your Magento store by creating dedicated brand pages to increase brand trust and customer loyalty. When shopping online, customers often rely on familiar brand names for a consistent and dependable experience.
The Shop by Brand extension showcases brands in a clear, attractive layout, making it easier for customers to find and purchase their favorite products.

Convenient Brand Browsing

brand page on frontend

In today's market, a brand represents more than just quality; it's a lifestyle and a symbol of prestige. The Shop by Brand extension for Magento 2 showcases brands in a cohesive, attractive layout, allowing them to effectively market themselves. With the A-Z filter, each brand can be listed on its own dedicated page, making them easy to locate during a search. When customers click on a brand logo, they are directed to a page featuring all products from that brand along with their unique attributes, enhancing their shopping experience.

Brand Listing and Navigation

brand page on frontend
  • Enhanced Brand Visibility:

    It enables the creation of dedicated brand pages where brands are listed alphabetically or by customized order.

  • Menu Integration:

    Brands can be integrated into the main navigation menu, providing easy access for customers to explore brands directly from the menu structure.

  • Clickable Brand Links:

    Each brand is represented with its logo and name, making it clickable to navigate to the brand's specific page or associated products.

Brand Pages Customization

brand page on frontend
  • Customizable Brand Pages:

    Admins can customize brand pages with banners, descriptions, and multimedia content to highlight brand stories, values, and product lines.

  • SEO-Friendly Brand Pages:

    Pages are optimized for search engines with customizable URLs, meta titles, descriptions, and keywords, improving brand visibility in search engine results.

Product Association and Showcase

brand page on frontend
  • Brand-Product Association:

    Products can be associated with specific brands, allowing customers to filter and search products by brand.

  • Product Listing:

    The extension facilitates the listing of products under each brand, enhancing the browsing experience and helping customers discover products within their preferred brands.

User Experience and Navigation

brand page on frontend
  • Enhanced User Navigation:

    The extension provides a seamless user experience by offering intuitive navigation through brand-specific pages and product listings.

  • Faceted Search:

    Customers can use brand filters to refine search results, enhancing usability and aiding in product discovery based on brand preferences.

Administrative Management

brand page on frontend
  • Backend Management:

    Admins can manage brands efficiently through the Magento admin panel.

  • Brand Attributes:

    It supports the creation and management of brand attributes, allowing admins to define custom attributes specific to brands.

  • Configuration Options:

    Configuration settings allow admins to control how brands are displayed, integrated into menus, and managed across the store.

Integration and Compatibility

brand page on frontend
  • Compatibility:

    The extension is designed to be compatible with Magento 2, ensuring seamless integration and operation with other Magento modules and themes.

  • Scalability:

    It supports scalability, accommodating growing product catalogs and expanding brand portfolios without compromising performance.

Overall Benefits

The Shop by Brand extension enhances the presentation, management, and user experience of brands within Magento 2 stores. It empowers administrators to effectively showcase brands, optimize search engine visibility, and provide customers with intuitive navigation and filtering options based on their brand preferences.

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